The only thing you need to know about this week is that we are on week 3 of The Chad attack, meaning your percentages are at the 80% range which can be the most challenging part of the new phase but if you have been consistent you will get it done and done right! The strength component is key but its not the only physical skill you need. You will be doing higher volume on gymnastics movements and will be learning the next progressions of the olympic lifts-Push Jerk and Hang Squat Clean =). We have been doing strict press and push press for the last cycles and believe me when I say the overhead lock out position will transfer when we do the push jerk. The loading dip and leg drive on the push press will be very important as well.
In terms of the hang squat clean, the landing position and the front squat are key components to have stability during the movement. This next progression is when you start from the hang position of the clean and land not in the power position but in a front squat at the bottom. It should allow you to catch bigger weights but it all depends on how technical, powerful and how strong your front squat is. Mobility is key as we move up in the progressions of these olympic lifts, so its extremely important to get after those stiff shoulders, ankles, hips, etc. Its going to be an exciting week! last week was GO HARD and HIGH FIVE, this week is be patient and DONT STOP!!!! still high five though! haha
We had a week full of fun workouts and we started the weekend with my beloved Speed School Series 1 =) it was a total success regardless of the "all of the sudden huntington beach is cold" weather. If you could all see what I saw from the beginning of the clinic to the end, it was magical. Everyone's technique improved night and day and I actually saw a lot of smiles from those that didn't like running that much before. You liked how I said "didn't" haha I do really hope that all that attended took away some of the enthusiasm for running that I do have but most importantly, the importance of running mechanics, how to be efficient and just like in anything, the better your technique is, the higher the result will be.
Speed School Series 1- focused on technique and a general approach on running. As we moved along to Series 2 in June, the focus will still be mechanics but also practicing the difference in running according to different sports, CrossFit and Endurance. You don't want to miss it!!
These are some of the images captured during the clinic by my amazing team Miss Alicia and Coach Erik!
We had to get our flex on haha
Riley killing the knee drive, foot dorsiflex and arm pump
Everyone has different mechanics but working towards more efficient movements
Some of you just glide without even knowing :)
I have to say this is my favorite picture of all because of the team chemistry and the community shown here! We are DRS Family!! (even if are eating each others hairs on this picture hahaha)
Check out the videos :) on our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwTECEcrpLEh4uPyMcgFfTg
Thank you to all of you for making this happen! Great Job everyone!!!
Stay Strong,
DRS Strong
Coach Rosario
"I'm still giddy about all of this haha =)"