We are back! THE FOCUS OF THE WEEK IS: BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Believe in what you are capable of doing and it piggy backs with visualizing! What your mind believes it can achieve! Whether is GOOD or BAD! Believing in something positive is probably a better idea. Don't cut yourself short of greatness in training, life, work, etc. Every person knows what they are capable of doing, if at the time you don't feel as capable of doing a certain movement or your physical development is not there, IT'S OKAY FOR NOW. All you have to do is continue to believe and work consistenly hard at it! But don't label yourself or your body as you CAN'T do it so you never will. INSTEAD work the partial movements that will allow the full movement overtime! These past couple of weeks and the next few weeks, we will be throwing you all out of your comfort zone to spike the stimulus needed for training and for the new cycle! So far everyone is doing well with the load and intensity :) KEEP THAT UP!!
I wanted to give you few of the things I like to mantra during a workout that help me keep going in a positive direction:
These are one of my top 3
-The ability to breathe helps you reset even if at times are only SIPS of AIR haha!
-This one is one of the most helpful in the last few years for me. If I can shift my pain, tiredness, focus, brain cells and attitude on the actual movement pattern itself then I can then momentarily block the pain or sloppy signal during a paritcular period of time which in the long run it allows me to continue what I am doing hopefully while still moving well!
-This one comes since I was a kid, my dad would always tell me that and I grew up understanding the importance of being mentally tough. Now, there are times where being mentally tough means to shift from body to mind and understand if your mind is strong the rest will be as well, but does not mean being stubborn on weight or movement nor pain! BIG DIFFERENCE!
Hopefully these can help some of you or if you have 3 or more of your own, let me know! Remember we share the battlefield together :)
Stay Strong,
DRS Strong
Coach Rosario
"Sometimes I wish I can dunk but touching rim still satisfies me hahah"