A perfectly disciplined will that refuses to give in.
A state of mind.
A character in action.
Number 1 Max out week!!! This week is about having fun and trusting the work you have put in. It is simple!! If you have been showing up and have been consistent, you will do great to the ability that you have now. There will be some areas that everyone needs to work on but that is part of the fun and part of the process to keep getting better! This week I will be testing you on Hang Power Clean-Monday, Strict Press-Tuesday and Overhead Squats-Friday (DON'T MISS haha). There will also be overall work capacity and lactid acid workouts that will show the extent of your engine and the efficiency of your movements. Next week I will be testing the new lifts we have been working on as well as different benchmarks.
I often hear people ask me if they can do an extra workout after their max out day besides the programming. My answer is...I do not recommend it. Why? Because if you have been coming consistently your body is at the peak for testing and it wants to lift heavy and do work on those metcons and athletic skills. But it is also in need of rest and proper recovery. Your body will not feel it right away but the effects of a hard cycle and max out weeks affect a bit later and catch up to you. My suggestion is trust the process and enjoy these testing weeks which will get you ready for next phase. Also, show up saturday since we are doing a long metcon for your cardio fix haha. Now for some of you that have been working and life has gotten in the way of you coming in regurlarly, STILL COME IN! WE HAVE PLENTY THINGS FOR YOU and you can support others around you =)
Mental approach when maxing out:
1) Trust yourself and the work you have put it. Trust the programming and the tools and resources we give you to excel in what you want and need.
2) Approach the barbell, the metcon, the movement with calmness and know when to release the beast!!!
3) Be aggressive and think positive thoughts before performing the lift.
4) Your body is ready for what is in front of you. MAKE YOUR MIND BE READY AS WELL.
5) Dictate how you want your day to be. Anything you do makes you better than what you were yesterday.
6)Whether you think you can, or you think you can't. YOU ARE RIGHT!
Stay Strong,
DRS Strong
Coach Rosario
"I like jumping kicks haha, thanks for holding tight Beckman"
Thank you everyone that came out to support Coach Erik and I :) we wish we had taken a picture with you guys!